9 Benefits of a Self Care Practice

As the parent of a special needs child, you know that your plate is always full. There are appointments to attend, therapies to schedule, communication with teachers along with all the normal stuff like work or laundry that seem endless. It can feel impossible to find time for yourself. But it’s crucial that you do! When you’re running on empty, it’s hard to be the best mom possible for your child.

Self care is essential for parents of special needs families. Here are 9 reasons why!

1. Decreases stress.

Self care is one of the best proven ways to moderate stress. When you are under a lot of stress, it takes a toll on your health, both physically and mentally. By taking some time each day to do something for yourself, you can affect nearly every aspect of your life and your family’s life in a positive way! Read on to see why.

2. Improves your overall health.

When you are stressed, your body is in a constant “fight or flight” mode. This can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, and stomach problems. You might find yourself getting sick more often, that existing health conditions get worse, or you have new aches and pains. A self care practice has been shown to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, and cortisol levels which all increase when you are under stress. All these health benefits decrease your risk for major health events such as stroke or heart attack. And who doesn’t want that!?

3. Improves your mood.

When taking care of yourself, it’s natural to feel happier and more content. When you feel good, you are more likely to be patient and present with your family, even on those tough days.

We are constantly dealing with insurance companies, doctors’ offices, and even friends and family who may not understand what you are going through. This adds to the daily burden stacked on us and can make us extra cranky! No one is going to just magically take it away and do it for us. I wish!

We have been doing what needs done all along and will continue to do it. But it means we need to take some extra steps of TLC for ourselves. Especially if we want to be in a “Happy Place” and enjoy ourselves along the way. Mood is not just about getting along with others but it’s being in a good place with yourself. A consistent self care routine can do this for you.

4. Improve your relationships.

When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it’s easy to snap at the people you love (see #3 above). But when you make time for self care, you are more likely to be able to handle difficult situations with grace and patience. People around you feed from the energy you give off. This will help all your relationships like spouses, kids, friends, and family. If you’re calm then they will be more likely to mirror your energy, which is a win-win!

5. Helps you be a better parent.

This one is huge! When you are taking care of yourself, you are able to show up as the best mom or dad possible for your child. You have more patience, energy, and focus to give them when you have taken time for yourself first.

Your day won’t just be putting out fires and getting basic needs met. With more energy and focus, you will have time to work on all the fun things that being a parent is all about.

6. Can make parenting special needs children easier.

This is similar to number 5, but worth repeating. As a parent of a special needs child, you know that there are extra challenges that come along with it. You might be dealing with therapies, doctors’ appointments, IEP meetings, and more. It can feel like your entire life revolves around your child’s disability.

But when you make time for self care, it can help you feel more balanced. You can better handle the challenges that come up and have more energy to do the things you love with your child.

7. Improve your work life.

When you have a special needs family, it can be hard to focus at work. You might find yourself making more mistakes, procrastinating more, or just generally not being as productive. But when you take care of yourself, you are able to show up at work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Self care can also help you create better boundaries between work and home. When you have taken some time for yourself, you are more likely to be able to focus on work and not bring your stress home with you.

8. Can make you more productive.

This goes along with number 7. When you take care of yourself, it’s easier to focus and prioritize everything you have to get done in a day. You are able to “show up” to family or work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. You might find that you are able to get more done in less time, or that you are able to better focus on the task at hand.

9. Improve your mental health.

This one is so important as a special needs parent. When you are under stress, it can take a toll on your mental health. You might find yourself feeling more anxious or depressed. You could be in a constant state of worry about your child and their future. But when you take time for self care, you are able to handle the feelings that come up with more ease.

Self care can help you feel more balanced and in control. It can give you the break you need from the constant stress of being a special needs parent.

As a special needs parent, you probably feel like you don’t have time for self care. But the truth is, self care is important for your physical and mental health. It can also make you a better parent. If you’re feeling guilty about taking some time for yourself, don’t!

And remember, even if you can’t get out of the house for some “me” time, there are plenty of other ways to practice self care. Take a relaxing bath or read your favorite book. So take some time for yourself and enjoy the benefits of better mental health and well-being.

Read about the categories of self care and see if anything sparks some ideas!