What is ARFID?
My son was diagnosed with ARFID at 18. But he likely had it since he was a toddler. His pediatrician dismissed it as just being picky and said to just keep putting healthy food in front of him because kids…
My son was diagnosed with ARFID at 18. But he likely had it since he was a toddler. His pediatrician dismissed it as just being picky and said to just keep putting healthy food in front of him because kids…
So a few months ago I posted about PANS/PANDAS Progress and ARFID Relapse. So now it looks like we have flip-flopped. He had his last IVIG in June and then went into an eating disorder treatment center in mid-July. He…
So first, it wasn’t until starting THIS blog (I’ve had others on different topics) and getting together all the resources for PANS/PANDAS and ARFID, that I finally considered myself to be a “Special Needs Parent.” My son doesn’t have the…
We’ve been battling two different conditions of PANS and ARFID at the same time. One progresses forward and then the other goes back. Treatment for ARFID is now requiring that he abandon the successful treatment for PANS. So my son…
I stumbled across information last year about the Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Advisory Council (PANSAC). The council is hosted by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services and has representatives from providers, legislators, community leaders, and parents. Each quarter…
Note: I don’t use his name because he’s an adult and he prefers to stay anonymous. No worries kid… I got your back. This is the story of my son’s long road to recovery. From what? At the time, I…